Sunday 21 September 2014

Retro Rares - Rare Week!

Welcome to my new blog. I am ConverseAngelXD and any other blog about MSP is not mine.

This weeks theme is Retro Rares. It is also the return of the "Rares" as people like to call them.

Rares are clothing items that were once on Movie Star Planet, But aren't anymore.

People normally give "wishys" and "greetings" for rares, so it is great that they are back.

My advise would be to get loads of them, before they go out of stock like I have done below.

There is also a special type of rare called the "Ultra Rare"
That means that this year, that rare didn't come back to buy. I have a few ultra rares.

The two blue and white frilly skirts are "Ultra Rares" and they are called "Frillies"
These are called "Princess Toes" but you may know them as "p-toes"

I hope this blog post was very useful about rares. I will try and most daily. Please come back later.
Enjoy "Retro Rare" Week Everyone. Byeee!